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Monday, April 30, 2012

Roadmap to EU growth

In this debate you are invited to raise and discuss ways to make the EU better, having a stable growth, jobs and prosperity for the new generations. There are difficulties but the last months EU leaders decided to give a boost to EU growth. Check the respective links.

The question of how to make Europe better, has come up several times. Some blame the Euro for creating massive imbalances in terms of competitiveness between EU member-states and suggest scrapping the single currency as a solution. Is any way to make EU better? Do we have the means to overcome the global economic crisis? Single Market is the key? What about employment and flexicurity?
See relevant links:


Spetses Gallery Akroproro said...

SMEs are suffering, how EC will boost the economy? No new measures are shown, only cuts and taxes

Spetses Gallery Akroproro said...

No simple answer to EU growth vs austerity conundrum

Fierce debate is growing in Europe over whether austerity or growth offers the best strategy to overcome the continent's sovereign debt crisis. As if it were that simple.

Unknown said...

It has taken long, but now most come out with the (only) solution: Ανάπτυξη, development, развој.

Unknown said...

I have just retweeted our little discussion...

Unknown said...

By "Development" I mean growth. Sorry for the greekism.

Spetses Gallery Akroproro said...

Thanks, visit also our facebook page and share your views there

positive spaces moderator said...
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Stefanos said...

First of all we should get over the structural problems in the EU economy.The recent crisis has clearly shown that the euro is still in its infancy and still has to overcome what would be the analogue of "childhood illnesses".
Secondly, in order to begin growing, you have to at least have a faint idea on the general direction of growth. Do you want to become the powerhouse of global heavy industry? The leader on green growth? The center of medical/S.T.E.M research? of education? the perfect place for holidays? All of the above? And how?
Before growth, you also have to face a few problems regarding people solidarity in the individual level. How "europeans" do we feel? Recent political developments in the contintent do now show a rise in federalism but rather in separatism.That can be a huge issue while trying to unite and grow.
And in the end, more care for the individual. Lately,there is a giant focus on the economies as if they are not dependant on people. If people feel neglected, oppressed and humiliated, growth cannot be achieved. Growth comes when people feel energetic,able and encouraged to work and create, not when they are constantly struggling to make ends meet without any foreseable increase in their quality of life.

Kostas Aisopos said...

every crisis is a part of evolution; to the better or to the worse. The key to overcome it is create employment opportunities and motivate people to be productive. Productiveness always comes at the cost of keeping people happy, which is way more expensive in Europe than Asia. That is one of the reasons that EU will always face problems to catch up with the Asian market, and crisis will always be more challenging

AspasiaP. said...

Regional and national productivity is a challenge that each country should focus in order to achieve a later european growth. It is a bottom-up strategy, rather than a top-down one. But the matter is not only financial. It is about change in organizational culture, too. Each organization - private or public - should create a vision, estimate the abilities of its human resource and distribute it to the appropriate positions. Needless to say, that many employees in public or private sector feel dissapointed and despite the creative ideas their voice is not heard. This shows that is needed a strong, decisive and objective leadership. Moreover,in european level is needed a transnational cooperation with constant follow-up of each country so as to establish a common ground for a sustainable growth regarding European citizens as individuals and for all member-states of Europe in general.

Fotis Aisopos said...

Growth indicates state investment to people and not any more austerity. I believe the policies followed in Europe during the last years should be changed decisively, or else crisis will come into most countries' economies.
Now the question is where will those money come from? Well, I would say definitely not loans or financial institutes. Taxing the banks and big institutions, as well as fighting corruption is the answer for me.

bilthekid said...

Although i agree that the above statements are correct, i would like to provide a different perspective in our discussion related to Europe Union and how we should try to overcome the problem we are facing currently. I dont take the union between countries as granted since they no more serve their citizens needs and demands. So i would like to use their own method, The Shock Doctrine, by changing everything in Europe in favour of peoples' needs. Taxing big incomes, socializing banks etc. In the background we must be in contact with the democratic people and patries in order to be able to offer alternatives to their accusations in destroying the consistenty of Europe. We are in front of big changes and we should be prepared to find solutions beoyond the stereotypes that currently exist.

positive spaces moderator said...

What about the new strategy for growth with austerity? Do you think we can combine them?

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